Saturday, 9 May 2009

Other bits of knitting.....................

I may have been a bit slack on the blogging but I certainly haven't been slack on the knitting of late. In addition to the sock club installments I have completed a couple of garments for Yarnforward magazine that are going to appear in Issues 14 and 16 as well as a few items for the lovely Andy at Laughing Hens.

I have also been knitting up quite a bit of stash, getting through some socks and also I have been involved in the Teachers Travelling Scarf. There has definately been a lot going on but somehow I have never quite got over here to put up the pictures and make a comment. I am hoping to make a better job of it and get back into the routine of blogging over the next few weeks before I go off on the big trip.

With half term coming up soon there will be time to catch up and get ready so please watch this space I really am going to fill it.

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