Tuesday 17 March 2009


On Thursday 12th March it was over to Socktopus for an evening of Red Nose Day Bingo.
With some interesting rhymes for the numbers, some that I knew and some more bizzare ones it was time to start getting them rolling.
With Alice calling and some of us being a bit more adventorous with marking more than one card it all became a bit confusing at times.
However I did manage to come away with a bit of booty. I ended up winning three times but did put a prize back. Lady luck was certainly with me.

Here are my fab prizes...........



I was really pleased with the mug as I hadn't managed to snag one of these from Sainsbury's over christmas.



Also some lush fibre!


And some fantastic Duet sock yarn which I have also been meaning to try for a while. Perfect being chocolate and pink.

..........with thanks to all who donated yarn, fibre, cakes and goodies we managed to raise a fair amount for Comic Relief. It was good to know we had done our bit in such a fun way. I am now looking forward to more fun, yarny Bingo nights at Alice's. Shame no one won the giant ball of acrylic, that would have been funny.

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