Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Childhood memories...............................

Well today was almost interesting!

I had lots of people in the Jury waiting room today wanting to know how I had got on with my sock and had I finished the first one yet. I went on to have a few interesting converstations about knitting, who could, who couldn't, who would like too etc.....
Many were suprised that I started knitting when I was only 5 years old.
Thinking back to what I knitted as a child I bought this book at Ally Pally. It is a reprint of one that my gran bought for me when I was about 8. I was determinded that I was going to make everything in it - thank goodness I didn't otherwise I would have had the taste police after me.


There are some interesting designs. Not all politically correct I might add. I am not sure at this point if it is wise to disclose exactly which ones I knitted! Maybe another time.Or maybe you can have a guess?






1 whole sock and 1 top of sock done - aiming to turn the heel on the train tomorrow.

Did have the most lovely veiw of St Pauls Cathedral today as I stood halfway across the millennium bridge at lunchtime.

1 comment:

Erssie said...

Oh my god, I grew up with that book and still have a tattered copy. I still knit the balls in there for babies in my family, and i think there is a mini penguin which is popular with kids. I also have my late Mum's notes in it, so very very precious. I can still hear the hiss of a paraffin heater, the whiff of burned paraffin, I can feel the cold and remember learning to knit when I wAS 4 with this book nearby (first version...was published in the 1950's I believe)